Weathering The Storms Of Life

There are some comforting words from the hymn Master The Tempest Is Raging which declare: “Whether the wrath of the storm-tossed sea, Or demons, or men, or whatever it be, No water can swallow the ship where lies the Master of ocean, and earth, and skies: They all must simply obey Thy will: Peace be still!”

Do you have storms in your life? Mark 4:35-41 informs us of a time when Jesus looked over the tempestuous Sea of Galilee and said, “Peace, be still.” Immediately after Jesus spoke, the storm ceased and the sea became calm. Can this miraculous event during the life of Jesus be applied to the emotional and mental storms in our lives? Yes it certainly can! Let us draw some lessons from this account.

Even the best among us face the storms of life.

If there was any boat on the Sea of Galilee that would be immune to a storm, it would surely have to be the boat with Jesus in it. However, His boat suffered as any other boat would. 1 Corinthians 10:13 begins by teaching that everyone has difficulties in life. The latter part of the verse says, God is faithful. We all are going to face the storms of life, but while we do, we can hold to the unchanging hand of God because He is faithful.

Sometimes the storms of life come without warning.

Sometimes the storms of life arise abruptly upon us. At any moment we may receive news of a tragedy that upsets us deeply. Meditate upon this passage for a moment, “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in time of trouble”  (Psalm 47:1). Abiding in the Word of God can provide shelter during the unexpected storms.

Jesus cares for us during the storms of life.

The disciples of Jesus asked Him if He cared that they perish (Mark 4:38). Perhaps we have looked up to heaven and asked similar questions. In the midst of the storm it may seem as though we are all alone. Those who are in Christ are not alone as 1 Peter 5:7 declares, “Casting all your care upon Him; for He careth for you.”

Our peace throughout the storms of life is tied to our faith.

Another lesson gleaned from Mark 4:40 is that we need to build up our faith. There are several passages designed to edify a Christian’s faith. For example, 2 Corinthians 4:17-18 reminds Christians that this life is temporary, and if we stay faithful an eternal life in Heaven awaits us. Hebrews 13:5-6  is another passage that can solidify our faith in our Father. In that passage God tells His children that He will never forsake them. The storm may be raging, but peace can come from realizing that God is still with us. An additional scripture that is comforting for those of us who are following the way of God is Psalm 27. This psalm teaches us of the strength which comes from waiting on the Lord.

When Jesus had stilled the sea of Galilee, all was peace. The disciples then marveled at Him and made this remark, “what manner of man is He, that even the wind and the sea obey Him?” The Lord that was with them so long ago in that boat is our very same Lord today.

We must have the mindset of neither being ashamed of our Lord nor of defending Him, because He is our Creator who stills our storms.

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