Our Mission
Our Mission is three fold. Benevolence, to help those in need. Edification, to build up the body of Christ, His church. Evangelism, to help people understand their relationship to God and their need to obey Him.
Our Goal is to be the church that Jesus established. Nothing more, nothing less.
PERSONAL BIBLE STUDY: Personalized studies available, you choose the location and the time. We can study with you in your home and online as well.
FAMILY ATMOSPHERE: The family of God is an important element of our personal lives and our community.
You Are a Welcome Guest at the Beattie Road church of Christ
Who We Are
We are committed to the centrality of Jesus and His cross. We do our best to be a loving congregation of devoted Christians who seek to honor God, learn and follow His Word, encourage each other and get to know our guests. All of us have sinned. We are, therefore, powerless to save ourselves. We affirm, as the Bible does, that no sinner can be saved except by the grace of God (Ephesians 2:8).
Where We Meet
Beattie Road church of Christ
1731 Beattie Road
Albany, GA 31721
Phone: 229-435-2193
When We Meet
Bible Class - 9:30 a.m.
Worship - 10:30 a.m.
Worship - 6:00 p.m.
Bible Class - 7:00 p.m.

Study the Bible Online
- Free, no obligation (We will NOT ask you for money.)
- 10 lesson course that covers basic Bible principles
- Study at your own pace
- Online quiz at the end of each lesson

Access over 1,400 Bible study videos
Topics include:
- Books of the Bible
- Christian Evidences
- Doctrinal Matters
- Growth
- History/Archaeology
- Relationships
- Women's Studies